I think we all trudge through our day to day responsibilities hoping/looking/praying for something more. That doesn't necessarily mean we are unhappy, just unfulfilled. In my experience, there are a few things we as human beings can do, that are applicable to ALL aspects of life (fitness, family, career), to find our life's purpose. Keep in mind, what we WANT our life's purpose to be and what it actually is, is probably much different. Also, it may not be some grand, detailed purpose, we have to think of this in more of a general sense. Here it goes:
1.Think about what you LOVE to do. Do more of that! If you aren't prepared to make a full on career switch at this point in your life, that's ok, but you need to start somewhere!
2. Write and read more. Let your emotions out on paper (or in this day in age, on a computer). Acknowledge your highs and lows, learn from your failures or "mistakes", and move on.
3. Give back. Volunteer. This will ALWAYS make you more grateful for what you have. It will open up your eyes to how selfish and ungrateful we can be, mostly without even thinking about it.
4. Make sure you give yourself enough "me" time. If you don't take out the time to better yourself, you won't get better. No one else will do it for you!
5. Surround yourself with people who will push you beyond your self-imposed limits, and sometimes even out of your comfort zone. That's what true friends are for!
Hope you enjoyed this little "self-help" blog, next time will be back to fitness!