Sunday, January 19, 2014

Living with Intention

It is so easy to go through life just trying to make it through the day, but that is a mindset that we allow ourselves to have! We are so blessed with another day of opportunity and that alone should be all the motivation we need. I know that my purpose on this earth is to make an impact, and no impact is too small! The only way to harness that mentality is to find what is going to take you to your goals. It sounds easier than it is but once you get on that path the only thing stopping your progress will be YOU! Nothing changes if nothing changes. If your actions and words are intentionally directing you away from your goals, then that is what needs to change. If you don't believe in YOURSELF then why would anybody else? If you don't believe in your PURPOSE then why would anyone else? Live with intention and purpose and you will have an easy time being who you want to be and getting where you want to go.

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