Sunday, June 30, 2013

Be the best YOU

10 tips about being a better YOU...these are probably things you already know or have already heard, but it never hurts to be reminded!

1. Surround yourself with people that have a quality you want in yourself. If you can't find an admirable quality in your friends/acquaintances you need to re-evaluate your circle of friends.

2. Don't get caught up comparing yourself to others...look at the you of the past and compare the current you...have you gotten better? Are you stronger, smarter, in a better place than you were 5 years ago? If not, you need to do a self analysis of why?

3. Think about your passion in that what you're doing everyday? If not, think of a plan to get you doing that every day. If you aren't living with passion, you aren't living!

4. If you do one "nice" thing every day, you will better yourself. Determine what that thing could help someone with their groceries, give money to someone in need, help someone move, volunteer your time...these things improve your character.

5. Understand that self-improvement is a daily process...much like getting in shape, you need to do a little everyday to be successful.

6. Use the brain you have! Read, write, and learn something new everyday!

7. Take risks! Michael Jordan said, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take! You will never reach your true potential if you don't take chances on opportunities in front of you. You may not see these opportunities right away, but they are there if you look hard enough.

8. Think about your expectations for yourself...most of the time we shoot low so we can be successful. Aim high and you may miss a few times (which may equate to temporary failure) but the experiences you learn from doing so will be priceless.

9. If you don't work hard, don't expect to be successful. The majority of the time, things don't "just happen" need to put in the time and effort to be better. If you aren't finding something to improve on in yourself, ask someone who knows you well and seek constructive criticism. Sometimes how we view ourselves and how others view us isn't congruent.

10. We may only get one chance at this life. Think of everyday as another day to create your legacy. What do you want to be remembered for or remembered as? What do you want to be remembered for accomplishing? Let your answers guide you.

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